Monday 3 December 2012

Fight club clip

what does your chosen film reveal about the usefulness of one or more critical approaches you have applied?

For me, Freudian psychology helps understand the characters in this film. At the start of the clip we can clearly hear tyler (jacks id) upstairs have sex with marla. the shot is of jack down stairs having nothing to do with his repressed subconscious. the id part of the psyche,acording to Freud, is the most devilish side of someone. this in-tales anger, lust, passion, sexuality. we see that his ego has failed to compromise between the id and the super ego, hence splitting him mentally and we also see it physically. his super ego struggles to be heard, for instance in the clip when he walks past the bedroom they are in Tyler opens the door and asks if he wants to have a go, meaning with Marla, and instead of that opposite side taking control the greater repressed side wins as jack backs down and goes to bed. looking at the film from this angle makes it all the more interesting as it allows me to think at different time which part of his mind is in control. before the film could have just be seen as superficial but now i see that looks at the mind and whose who live in a post modern world and the struggles mentally that go with that.
 in the clip i am looking at there is a change of scene where it reverts back to his day job, but unlike before where he is taking orders and is clean looking, he has bruises and blood on him; he is smoking and back chats his boss. this is him rejecting what used to be his routine, what used to be the funds for his purpose of living which is the IKEA lifestyle. we now see the id overtaking the super ego and ego but without the physical representation which is tyler.
jack has trouble sleeping as we know he suffers with insomnia. the only time he sleeps is when he goes to the help groups, this is because he finds some release in this as they give his boring, office bound, figure talking life purpose. it could be said that he suffer wit anxiety neurosis; Anxiety neurosis is caused by an irrational fear, imagined danger, and an inability to deal with the daily stress and strain of life. this pretty much sums up Jack, and Freud's description of this is "outbreak of sweat", "difficulty in breathing", he says "i call this syndrome 'anxiety neurosis' because all its components can be grouped around the chief symptoms of anxiety". Many people who suffer this have extreme anxiety and panic in situations that they feel are beyond their control, a lot of these situations in Jacks case are caused by Tyler. the film in some respect is very malleable to various approaches as there is so many points in which we can see different theories of psychology being used, we see the crisis of masculinity (e.g where the men are gathered to talk about testicular cancer, therefore leaving them infertile) and we also see how Freudian psychology is put in place and explored. 

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