Monday 11 February 2013

The Man With A Plan

Type of film - British Art house
Target Audience- 15/ teenagers
Technical aspects used- dutch tilt/ narrative/ freeze frames/ sped up montage
Genre/narrative codes applied-
Influences- Guy Ritchie/ Fight club/ snatch/ James Brown
Individual or group project- Jordan Mistry, Sam Randle
Issues/theories explored- drugs/ violence/ poverty



Jordan- shirt open, suit jacket and black trousers.

Sam- rolled up shirt, open vest underneath. jeans and trainers.

Character names
Sam- "Milly" Kennedy
Jordan- "Kendrick Rodell"

Black screen , text fades in, ... productions.
Quick cut into jordan OVS shot walking down the street
Quick cut in front of jord mid shot walking, greets someone as camera moves back into over shoulder that follows passer by.
next quick swoosh of camera and goes into sam, same OTS shot and mid shot. he then walks out the mid shot, close up of door being opened.
Throughout shots of jordan getting ready, doing hair and winks.

House section
Music stops one door is shut. goes to black.
two of sam and jord, sitting watching tele.
shot of tele.
back to sam on his own.
door knocks (2 knocks).
OVS shot of sam opening too, we see jord.
Front mid of sam confused looking back into the house as he thought i was there a min ago, as he turns his head back round quick cut to sam dutch tilt and he follows.
picture taken ( cam click), goes to black and white.
Jord narrative cut to sam in dark space . wide shot , close shot ( kennith anger).
back to photo, press play effect, carries on with jord walking into house. jord enters shot, sam shuts door.

In House

 jord on phone, sam pesters him. 2 time tap on shoulder, 3rd time he says "wants some cookies".
jord warns sam not to fuck up as its going to be a busy day. door knocks, mid shot of jord saying " right get the stuff out" , quick selling drug montage starts. Wide shot jord and sam running around, edit in some close up of hands dealing.
 pause, jord knackerd. sam gives hime cocaine , montage starts again. But alot faster. incluse the table shot of dugs decreasing and more close up hand deals. slowly cross fade the slow shot of jord tired and sleepy with the quick motion selling sequence..

End Sequence

wide shots of sam and jord spaced out. shot of door and someone knocks, high shots of empty rooms.